
An In-Depth Look on Why Rice Is a ruler of the Cereals Industry

Rice has been the main source of food in Asia for centuries. This crop has been grown in a huge amount of fields and gardens located in different parts of Asia. It is widely distributed and popular among all social classes of people. Today, it is being grown in all parts of the world. It is a crop that yields upon harvest. It is a very comprehensive food crop that is also low on land availability. Rice is being grown in all parts of the country for different purposes. Sometimes, only a small area of a country is being grown...

My Top 5 Least Told Benefits of Mushrooms

For many years my New Year's Resolution was to eat no meat. While this is a noble goal, I felt it was not easily achieved. While I could not eat raw oysters, or clams that are sold as by the pound, I felt these foods were hard to find, and the processing makes them unappealing. Feca Salmonis a sustainable, environmentally friendly fish. While local farmers prepare the salmon in oils and with other seasoning agents I remain the person who personally experienced the pride of knowing that my Alaskan Feca Salmon was entirely wild. I can remember thrilled anticipation as...

How To Get Good Quality Drinking Water?

Water is vital for human survival. It serves the following functions to the human body namely making up water lost via breathing, perspiration, digestion, and urination, regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients to body cells, removing waste from the body, and protecting organs, tissues and joints. We need to re-hydrate by drinking water and tea. The main sources of drinking water are rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ground water and the sea. The water from these sources at times could not be consumed right away. It needs to go through water treatment processes before we consume it. The reason being that it could...